Market study of accreditation services in ISO 21001:2018 – Management Systems for Educational Organizations.

Economic and Social Research Coordination for Quality Infrastructure, Organismo Nacional de Acreditación de Colombia – ONAC Abstract The document analyzes the market for accreditation services in the ISO 21.001 of 2018: Management Systems for Educational Organizations. It names the main Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) that offer such certification in the country, however it is clarified […]

Market study of accreditation services in Colombian Technical Standards for Tourism Sustainability Management Systems.

Abstract This document analyzes the market for accreditation services in Colombian Technical Standards (NTC) for tourism sustainability management systems. It reveals a positive transition from Sectoral Technical Standards (NTS – the previous standards applied to the tourism sector) to NTC and it also highlights the potential for improving the quality and sustainability of tourism in […]

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