Team of Collaborators
Team of Collaborators
Select organizational area
Executive Management
Legal Counsel
Customer Service Department
Head of Communications
Management Development and Improvement
Administrative and Financial Management
International Technical Directorate
National Technical Directorate

Organizational Structure

After ONAC’s management of the international recognitions obtained in 2014 and 2015, it became evident that there was a need to review its organizational structure, processes and management system, in order to ensure the quality, timeliness and effectiveness of the system and the effectiveness of its accreditation services, also promoting the development of competencies in its work team. In view of the above, the Board of Directors decided to redefine the organizational model in force until 2016, within the framework of the institutional consolidation and articulation objective of ONAC’s Strategic Plan 2013-2016.

Thus, the project for the transformation of ONAC’s organizational structure, called Organizational Renewal for Confidence and Quality – ROCC, took place. In this regard, during 2016, the design phase was carried out, giving way to the implementation phase, which took place throughout 2017.

ONAC’s organizational structure was modified in accordance with the design approved in deliverable 5 of the Organizational Renewal for Confidence and Quality -ROCC project, on August 15, 2016. Subsequently, for its implementation, the Organizational and Human Talent Adaptation Project was developed, from which adjustments were made to the structure initially approved by the Board of Directors; the number of indefinite-term personnel was increased from 65 to 92 positions.

Executive Management

Chief Executive Officer

Alejandro Giraldo
Executive Director

Lawyer, Universidad del Rosario

Master’s Degree in Economic Law from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Master in Legal Sociology from the International Institute of Legal Sociology – Oñati Gipuzkoa, Spain.

Doctoral Candidate in Sociology at the University of Salamanca.

Teacher at different universities in the country on issues of consumer protection and Quality Infrastructure.

Linked to ONAC since 2018 as Executive Director.

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Legal Department

Laura Alejandra
Ríos Vega
Head of Legal Office

Lawyer, La Gran Colombia University Specialist in Commercial Law from the Universidad Libre de Colombia Linked to ONAC since 2018 in the positions of:

  • Expert Legal Professional
  • Head of Legal Office
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Angie Carolina
Niño Fajardo
Professional Legal Expert
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Angie Marcela
Agudelo Chivata
Professional Legal Expert
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Carol Steffany
Vega Álvarez
Legal Professional
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Danny Jelitza
Deaquiz Estupiñan
Public Contracts Analyst
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Ana Lucey
Management and Legal Representation Assistant
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Customer Experience Headquarters

Rocio del Pilar
Jiménez Tapias
Customer Service Manager

Industrial Engineer, Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University

Specialist in Project Management – Instituto Europeo de Posgrados IEP

Expert in national quality infrastructure, legal metrology, accreditation, standardization and process optimization.

Linked to ONAC since 2018 in the positions of

  • Sectoral Coordinator of Calibration Laboratories ONAC
  • Customer Service Manager
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Yenny Margo
Ortega Cortes
Management System Professional
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Martínez Blandón
Service Closure Analyst
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Monica Lizethe
Nieto Villegas
Programming Assistant
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Andrea Natalif
Saavedra Garzón
Service Closing Assistant
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Diana Carolina
Barreto Navarro
Service Closing Assistant
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Paula Andrea
Tovar Zorro
Customer Service Analyst
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Andres Felipe
Perilla Moreno
Service Closing Assistant
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Alejandra Estefania
Páez Rojas
Call Center Assistant
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Oscar de Jesús
González Martínez
Call Center Assistant
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Julieth Andrea
Ardila Acosta
Call Center Assistant
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Research coordination for economic and social studies related to quality infrastructure

Juan Sebastián
Parada Portilla
Coordinator of Economic and Social Studies for Quality Infrastructure.

Economist and master in economics – National University of Colombia.

Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Data Science at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Expert in economic and statistical analysis. With extensive experience in the development of economic and social research in the public sector. He worked as a teacher at the National University of Colombia and Externado University of Colombia.

Linked to ONAC since 2023 as Coordinator of Economic and Social Studies for Quality Infrastructure.

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Diego Alejandro
Contreras López
Expert Professional in economic and social studies for quality infrastructure
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Daniela Lucia
Patiño Mendoza
Junior professional in economic and social studies for quality infrastructure
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Coordination of Communications

León Mosquera
Communications Coordinator
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Juan Camilo
Communications Professional
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Laura Natalia
Garcia Urbano
Communications Analyst
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Barrera Gómez
Communications analyst
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Yohan Felipe
Galvis Ochoa
Communications Assistant
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ONAC Management System Coordination

Martha Yury
Rodriguez Pérez
Management System Coordinator

Professional in International Trade, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University,

Specialized Course in Senior Management, Jorge Tadeo Lozano University

Expert in maintenance and implementation of management systems in public and private sector companies and in the operation and management of conformity assessment bodies in the activities of:

  • Inspection (ISO/IEC 17020)
  • Management Systems Certification (ISO/IEC 17021-1)
  • Product Certification (ISO/IEC 17065)
  • Certification of Persons (ISO/IEC 17024)

Linked to ONAC since 2020 in the following positions

Risk Management and Quality Assurance Manager

Management System Coordinator

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Yina Alejandra
Management System Professional
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Edna Lorena
Morales Garzón
Professional Management System
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Administrative and Financial Management

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer

Guillermo Alberto
Giraldo Díaz
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer

Public Accountant, Externado de Colombia University.

Specialist in Corporate Management Control, Externado de Colombia University.

Linked to ONAC since January 08, 2019 as Administrative and Financial Director.

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Supply and Asset Management

Karol Stephany
Pérez Rivera
Document Management Assistant
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Human Resources

Elvia Cecilia
Human Resources Professional Expert
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Andrea Isabel
Cárdenas Cubillos
Human Management Assistant
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Sandra Milena
Rojas Franco
SENA Human Management Apprentice
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Accounting and Financial Coordination

Sandra Liliana
Araque Lucio
General Accountant

Public Accountant – Unipanamericana

Specialist in Taxation Sciences – Central University

Expert in IFRS for SMEs with emphasis on taxes and accounting and tax planning processes.

Linked to ONAC since 2019 as Accounting and Financial Coordinator

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Yeimy Lorena
Bernal Celis
Accounting and Financial Analyst
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Nelcy Natalia
Roa Sandoval
Accounting and Financial Analyst
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Brayan Leonardo
Guerrero Sanabria
Accounting and Financial Assistant
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Martha Milena
Maldonado Barajas
Accounting and Financial Assistant
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Jean Paul
Camargo Otalora
Accounting and financial assistant
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Document Management Coordination

Diana Graciela
Document Management Coordinator

Professional in Information Systems Librarianship and Archival Science of the de la Salle University.

Specialist in Technology Management – EAN University

Expert in documentary organization projects, elaboration of archival instruments and implementation of information systems for electronic document management.

Linked to ONAC since 2019 in the position of Document Management Coordinator

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Yirley Andrea
Matiz Bedoya
Front Desk Assistant
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María Angélica
Molina González
Document Management Assistant
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Juan David
Bonilla Moreno
Document Management Assistant
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Jeny Carolina
Jiménez Vásquez
Document management assistant
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Yesica Alejandra
Villamil Molina
SENA Document Management Apprentice
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Coordination of IT Management

Mauricio Felipe
Franco Velásquez
IT Management Coordinator

Systems Engineer with emphasis on telecommunications – Cooperativa de Colombia University.

Specialist in Project Management – Corporacion Minuto de Dios University.

Expert in technology infrastructure management, security and implementation of technology and software projects.

Linked to ONAC since 2014 in the following positions:

  • IT Management Coordinator
  • Professional IT expert
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Rodrigo Antonio
Gómez Hernández
Accreditation Monitoring and Control Professional Expert
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Yojana Yasmín
I.T Analyst
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Ríos Tapiero
I.T Assistant
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Jeison Alfonso
Jiménez Blanco
Monitoring and Control Assistant
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Andrés David
Auxiliar T.I
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Blanco Osorio
IT Assistant to Information Systems Help Desk
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David Andrés
Buelvas Padilla
IT Assistant to Information Systems Help Desk
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Coordination of Competencies Management

Yuly Viviana
Jiménez Páez
Competency Management Coordinator

Psychologist, Cooperativa de Colombia University.

Specialist in Human Development Management and Corporate Social Wellbeing from Externado de Colombia University

Expert in personnel selection, development, education and training and labor concentration in human talent areas, construction of selection processes, competency models, job profiling, determination of competency criteria, design and implementation of performance appraisals, work environment survey and training plans.

Linked to ONAC since 2018, occupying the following positions:

Professional Expert in Competence Management

Competence Management Coordinator

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Wendy Andrea
González Torres
Professional Competency Management Expert
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Jorge Aureliano
López Herrera
Competency Analyst
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Mónica Yulieth
Vera Cuesta
Competency Management Analyst
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Carlos Mario
Hernández Ruiz
Competency Management Analyst
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Daniel Matheo
Pinzón Pinzón
Skills Management Assistant
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International Technical Directorate

International Technical Director

Andres Mauricio
Rodríguez Rodríguez
International Technical Director

Mechanical Engineer, National University of Colombia, Bogota.  Master in Mechanical Engineering, National University of Colombia

Linked to ONAC since 2012, holding the following positions and roles:

  • Lead Evaluator in the Inspection Scheme for Automotive Diagnostic Centers (ADC).
  • Sectoral Coordinator for the CDA Accreditation Scheme.
  • ONAC Technical Expert in Calibration Laboratories Scheme.
  • National Technical Director

Assistant Professor for 3 years in the Department of Mechanics and Mechatronics of the Faculty of Engineering of the National University of Colombia, in the area of Thermal Sciences.

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Liliana Paola
López Quimbayo
Expert professional in monitoring and control of accreditation
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Eliana Marcela
Carreño Camargo
Professional expert in management and development of services
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Kelly Johana
Castilla Martinez
Assistant to the International Technical Director
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Daniela Fernanda
Navarro Navarro
Programming Analyst
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Sectoral Coordination of Calibration Laboratories and Proficiency Testing Providers

Wilmar Andrés
Montaño Rodríguez
Sectoral Coordinator

Electronic Engineer from Central University. Specialist in Informatics and Industrial Automation from Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University.

Expert in industrial metrology, technical assistance in metrology, estimation of measurement uncertainty, requirements and competences for calibration laboratories and proficiency testing providers.

Linked to ONAC since October 2020 in the position of Sectoral Coordinator of Calibration Laboratories.


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Nancy Marcela
Pérez Díaz
Sectoral Coordinator

Industrial Engineering from the National Open and Distance University.
Project Management Specialist from El Bosque University.
Technological Specialist in Management of Testing and Calibration Laboratories – ISO/IEC 17025 Standard.
Expert in Industrial Metrology, metrological management, technical advice on aspects of
metrological interest, requirements and competence for calibration laboratories.
Linked to ONAC since 2024, in the position of Sector Coordinator of calibration laboratories.

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Diana Jazmin
Vallejo Gómez
Professional Sectoral Expert
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Laura Melissa
Sectoral Expert Professional
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Karen Julieth
Fernández Pedraza
Sector Expert Professional
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Heidi Johana
Guerrero Orjuela
Sectoral Support Professional
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Jennifer Lorena
Galindo Peña
Sector Support Professional
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Angie Paola
Molano Novoa
Sectoral Assistant
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Lesli Daniela
Motta Herrera
Sectoral Assistant
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Sectoral Coordination of Testing Laboratories, Clinical Laboratories and Reference Materials Producers

Diana Milena
Jacome Molina
Sectorial Coordinator for Clinical and Testing Laboratories

Chemist, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.

Master in Agricultural Sciences, National University of Colombia at Bogota.

Specialization in applied statistics from Los Libertadores University.

Expert in physicochemical analysis of food, water and pharmaceutical laboratories. Analysis of natural contaminants and bromatological analysis for quality assurance and safety in animal feed.

Linked to ONAC since 2019 in the position of Sectoral Coordinator of Testing and Clinical Laboratories

Professor for 3 years at the College of Natural Sciences of the Central University in the areas of chemistry, analytical chemistry, biogeochemistry and environmental chemistry

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Aguirre Villamil
Sectoral Coordinator Testing Laboratories and Sectoral Coordinator Reference Materials Producers

Chemistry of the National University of Colombia

Specialist in Applied Statistics of the Fundacion Los Libertadores University

Expert in physicochemical, microbiological and microbiological laboratory analysis and microbiological potency of drugs and raw materials.

Validation of analytical methodologies, process validation and pharmaceutical stability.

Linked to ONAC since March 2021 as Sectoral Coordinator of Testing Laboratories.

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Luisa María
Henao Mejía
Professional Sectoral Expert
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Ariza Guerrero
Sector Expert Professional
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Luis Alejandro
Polania Mono
Sectoral Support Professional
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Karen Jheraldyn
Sepulveda Villamizar
Sector Support Professional LAB1 and LCL
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Angie Yamile
García Hernández
Sector Analyst
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Maria Hilsa
López Morera
Sectoral Analyst
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Michael Stiven
Varon Sepulvedal
Sectoral Assistant
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Diego Iván
Cárdenas Camargo
Sectoral Assistant
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Sectoral Coordination of Certifications - Management System, Product and People Validation and Verification of GHGs

Olga Alicia
Puentes Valero
Sectoral Coordinator Certifications

Chemical Engineer from America University
Master in Quality and Integral Management – Santo Tomas University – ICONTEC

Linked to ONAC since January 2009, holding the following positions and roles:

  • ISO/IEC 17024 Lead Assessor
  • ISO/IEC 17011 Peer Reviewer
  • Accreditation Services Coordinator – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator of Certifying Bodies of Persons and CRC – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator for Certification Bodies (Management Systems, Product / Processes / Services, Persons, and Greenhouse Gas Verification / Validation Bodies).
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Delgado Valencia
Sector Coordinator Certifications

Ingeniero Químico – Universidad de América.

Especialista en Higiene, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo – Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.

Magíster en Gerencia de Proyectos – Universidad EAN.

Project Management Profesional (PMP®)- Project Management Institute PMI

Experto en actividades de acreditación, evaluación de la conformidad para certificación de productos, sistemas de gestión, actividades de inspección y evaluación de laboratorios. Con experiencia como auditor líder de sistemas de gestión y evaluador líder para certificación de productos en ICONTEC. Conferencista del Subsistema Nacional para la Calidad en Colombia.

Vinculado a ONAC desde septiembre de 2023 en el cargo de Coordinador Sectorial de Certificaciones.

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Danilo Andrés
López Moreno
Professional Sectoral Expert
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Laura Milena
Corredor Cárdenas
Professional Expert Certifications
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Linda Tatiana
Amaya González
Sectoral Support Professional
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Dora Cecilia
Sectoral Support Professional
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Wendy Melissa
Rodriguez Díaz
Sector Support Professional
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Paula Alexandra
López Tello
Sector Analyst
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Julieth Alejandra
Páez Camargo
Sectoral Assistant
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National Technical Directorate

National Technical Director

Diego Armando
Rodríguez Joleanes
National Technical Director

Industrial Engineer from Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University.

Specialist in Engineering Management Systems from Pontificia Javeriana University.

Specialist in Metrology from Politecnico de Madrid University – Master Candidate.

Lecturer in topics related to quality infrastructure, particularly in Legal Metrology.

Vice President of the Inspection Subcommittee of the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation IAAC.

Linked to ONAC since 2018 as National Technical Director.

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Ingrith Daniela
Bolaños Gaviria
Sector Support Professional
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Yuliana Astrid
Pinzón Santos
Assistant to the National Technical Director
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Mayerley Andrea
Martínez Medrano
National Technical Assistant
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Sectoral Coordination of Automotive Diagnostic Centers

Luz Amanda
Castañeda Parra
Sectoral Coordinator

Industrial Engineer from Universidad Antonio Nariño. Specialist in Administration and Management of Quality Systems from Universidad Santo Tomás.

Experience in quality management systems and management of accreditation processes of conformity assessment bodies. Knowledge in ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17067 standards.

Linked to ONAC since 2022 as CDA Sectoral Coordinator.

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Eliana Lizeth
Naranjo Zuleta
Sectoral Coordinator

Industrial Engineer, Libre University

Master’s Degree in Management

Training in ISO/IEC 17020:2012 internal auditing and ISO 9001:2015 internal auditing

Diploma courses completed:

  • Metrology
  • Uncertainty in measurement methods
  • Proficiency testing
  • Management of technical vehicle inspection equipment
  • Linear optimization, probability and statistics
  • Expert in Vehicle Technical Inspection

Linked to ONAC since 2021 as CDA Sectoral Coordinator

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Sandra Marcela
Gutiérrez Rivera
Professional Sector Expert
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Diana Paola
Rodríguez Urbina
Sectoral Support Professional
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Emilly Andrea
Morales Betancourt
Sectoral Support Professional
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Sandra Katherine
Bustamante Mesa
Sectoral Support Professional
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Leidy Marcela
Garzon Perilla
Sector Analyst
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Juan Daniel
Caranton Vargas
Sectoral Analyst
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Laura Vanesa
Rodríguez Serrano
Sectoral Assistant
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Jessica Leonilde
Torres Chacón
Sectoral Assistant
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Sectoral Coordination of Driver Examination Centers

Ana Carolina
Gómez Parra
Sectoral Coordinator for Driver Testing Centers

Industrial Engineer from Catolica University of Colombia.

Specialist in Quality Management. America University Foundation.

Specific training on ISO/IEC 17024:2012 General requirements for bodies performing certification of persons, ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and ISO/IEC 17067: 2012 Standards, Auditor in Integrated Management Systems NTC ISO 9001:2015: NTC ISO 14001:2015 and NTC ISO 45000:2018 and design and construction of risk matrices.

Experience in conformity assessment from the administrative management of accreditation processes.

Linked to ONAC since 2017 as sector support professional in the Coordination of Automotive Diagnostic Centers and Sectoral Coordinator  since 2019.

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July Katherine
Pedraza Pinzón
Expert Professional
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Karen Julieth
Cárdenas Rodríguez
Expert professional in CRC
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Erika Viviana
Contreras Tabares
Sector Support Professional
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Paola Andrea
Tovar Cuervo
Sector Support Professional
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Doris Yaneth
Carreño Antolinez
Sectoral Analyst
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Nikol Sullely
Agudelo Niño
Sectoral Analyst CRC
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Magda Yusleny
Buitrago Quintero
Sectoral Assistant
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Sectoral Coordination of Inspection, Authorized Metrological Verification Bodies and Digital Certification Entities

Nora Jinneth
Hernández García
Sectoral Coordinator

Industrial Engineer from Catolica University of Colombia

Master in Strategy, Innovation and Competitiveness from the Javeriana University

Specialist in Occupational Health Javeriana University

Expert in quality, risk and corporate social responsibility management and ISO/IEC 17020 accredited inspection bodies.

Internal trainer at organizational level in integral management systems and ISO/IEC 17020. First and second part auditor in ISO/IEC 17020, Integral Management Systems ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001.

Linked to ONAC since 2017 as Sectoral Coordinator of Inspection Bodies and Authorized Metrological Verification Bodies

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Juan Pablo
Villalobos Contreras
Expert professional OIN, OVM and ECD
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Jennifer Stefand
Caballero Reyes
Sectoral Support Professional
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Bulla Guataquira
Sector Analyst
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Andryw Jefrey
Cadena Coronado
Sectoral Assistant
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