This glossary presents, in alphabetical order, the definitions included in ISO/IEC 17000:2004 - Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles.
- Acceptance - Acceptance of conformity assessment results
- Access - access to a system or scheme
- Accreditation
- Accreditation Body
- Accreditation symbol
- Acknowledgement - acknowledgement of conformity assessment results
- Appeal
- Approval
- Attestation
- Audit
- Audit criteria
- Audit evidence
- Audit plan
- Audit team
- Bilateral agreement
- Certificate of accreditation
- Certification
- Competition
- Complaint
- Conformity assessment
- Conformity Assessment Body
- Conformity assessment scheme - Conformity assessment program - Conformity assessment system
- Conformity Assessment System
- Consulting
- Designating authority
- Designation
- Due professional care
- Equal treatment
- Equivalence - equivalence of conformity assessment results
- Ethical conduct
- Evaluation
- Evaluator
- Evidence-based approach
- Expert
- Extension of accreditation
- Fair presentation
- Group agreement
- Independence
- Inspection
- Lead Evaluator
- Logo of the accreditation body
- Member of a system or scheme
- Multilateral agreement
- National and equal treatment
- National treatment
- Part One Conformity Assessment Activity
- Part Two Conformity Assessment Activity
- Participant - participant in a system or scheme
- Peer evaluation
- Procedure
- Product
- Reciprocity
- Reduction of accreditation
- Rehearsal - test
- Revision
- Sampling
- Scope of accreditation
- Scope of Attestation
- Specified requirement
- Stakeholders
- Statement
- Surveillance
- Suspension
- Suspension of accreditation
- Testify
- Third Party Conformity Assessment Activity
- Unilateral agreement
- Withdraw - revoke