From the Research and Development area of ONAC, we support regulatory entities in the definition of national regulations through the participation in working groups and contribution of comments related to the inclusion of conformity assessment activities and accreditation.

We thus seek to contribute to the understanding of the concepts and benefits offered by accreditation and SICAL tools.

If you want to know more about the work and support that this area performs, we invite you to visit the site

or contact us directly at investigacion.desarrollo@onac.org.co

National Quality Subsystem SICAL

The National Quality Subsystem – SICAL supports and promotes the productivity and innovation of companies through the development of activities to improve the quality, safety and sustainability of products that are on the market, by means of the articulation of different actors in standardization, technical regulation, accreditation, conformity assessment, metrology and surveillance, and control.

Thus, we invite you to learn a little more about SICAL and the tools available to strengthen the fulfillment of the legitimate objectives of the State, which can be included in the regulations you are developing:

Decree 1595 of 2015

In 2015, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism issued Decree 1595 “Whereby rules are issued regarding the National Quality Subsystem and Chapter 7 and Section 1 of Chapter 8 of Title 1 of Part 2 of Part 2 of Book 2 of the Sole Regulatory Decree of the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Sector, Decree 1074 of 2015, are amended, and other provisions are issued”, in which the National Quality Subsystem – SICAL is ordered and modernized, allowing entrepreneurs to have a reliable and internationally recognized quality infrastructure.

In this way, the Ministry reiterated that ONAC is in charge of the exclusive exercise of the accreditation activity, furthermore determining: its functions and other duties and obligations, assigning it the responsibility of representing Colombia’s position, as regards accreditation, before the Andean Community of Nations -CAN- and before the world forums on accreditation matters. It is also of utmost importance to note that by means of this decree ONAC was assigned the obligation to act as the National Monitoring Authority for the Good Laboratory Practices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – OECD.

ONAC and Conformity Assessment

Official Directory of Accredited DOA

The Official Directory of Conformity Assessment Bodies – CAB’s accredited by ONAC is the only official source of information on accreditation in Colombia. Additionally, it is important to note that, in compliance with Decree 1595 of 2015, the accreditation status of Bodies operates from the publication in the directory, which you will find in the following link:

ONAC and Regulators

Accredited Conformity Assessment in Regulation

In order to promote and facilitate the understanding of accreditation and conformity assessment, the Research and Projects Coordination works hand in hand with regulators in order to provide answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding accreditation. Likewise, we seek to clarify why and how to make use of accreditation so that regulators can know the different types of conformity assessment activities and identify the main aspects that comprise them. This will allow them to identify which type fits their needs so that it can be included correctly in the regulations they are developing.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about accreditation and conformity assessment, we invite you to contact the Research and Development Coordination at investigacion.desarrollo@onac.org.co or leave us your questions and contact information in the following link:

Participation with regulators

As part of continuous improvement, ONAC actively participates in the definition of administrative acts of the country’s regulatory entities, promoting the inclusion of accreditation and conformity assessment. Thus, the contribution in public consultations is fundamental in the development of the organization’s strategy.

Regulatory entities:

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism is Colombia’s TBT contact point, so the competent entities of the national order must inform it of the projects of technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures they intend to issue, in addition, among its main functions, are to formulate and implement policies that promote and develop the country’s internal trade, ensure policies for the effective protection of consumer rights and improve the quality of goods and services offered in the markets through the issuance of appropriate technical regulations.

In the following link, you will find the normativity drafts that are currently under public consultation by the Ministry:

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce is the national authority for the protection of competition, personal data and legal metrology. It protects the rights of consumers and administers the National Industrial Property System through the Delegation for the Control and Verification of Technical Regulations and Legal Metrology. It exerts inspection, surveillance and control functions to protect consumers and the market in general.

In the following link you will find the draft resolutions that are currently in public consultation by the SIC:

The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is in charge of formulating, adopting, directing, coordinating, executing and evaluating public policy on health and public health, as well as preparing health standards, regulations and rules, among others.

In the following link you will find the drafts of administrative acts that are currently under public consultation by the Ministry:

The main objective of the Ministry of Transportation is the formulation and adoption of policies, plans, programs, projects, economic regulation and technical regulation in the field of transportation, transit and infrastructure of the modes of transportation.

In the following link you will find the drafts of administrative acts that are currently under public consultation by the Ministry:

The Ministry of Mines and Energy is in charge of issuing technical regulations for the exploration, exploitation, transportation, refining, distribution, processing, benefit, commercialization and export of non-renewable natural resources and biofuels, as well as those related to the production, transportation, distribution and commercialization of electric power and fuel gas, their uses and applications.

In the following link you will find the drafts of administrative acts that are currently under public consultation by the Ministry:

International Relations

MLA Agreement

At present, ONAC is a signatory member of multiple international recognition agreements, which are signed between member countries of regional and global accreditation cooperation and forums, whose main objective is to facilitate trade transactions and reduce Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), between the different economies that subscribe to such agreements.

In this sense, it is of great importance that regulators accept and include in their technical regulations the certificates of conformity issued by international accreditation bodies that are signatories of the recognition agreements to which the National Accreditation Body of Colombia (ONAC) is a party.

Learn about the recognition agreements signed by ONAC and their benefits:

Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below: