Juan Sebastián
Juan Sebastián
Parada Portilla
Cargo: Coordinator of Economic and Social Studies for Quality Infrastructure.
Área: Research coordination for economic and social studies related to quality infrastructure > Customer Service Department

Economist and master in economics - National University of Colombia.

Currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Data Science at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Expert in economic and statistical analysis. With extensive experience in the development of economic and social research in the public sector. He worked as a teacher at the National University of Colombia and Externado University of Colombia.

Linked to ONAC since 2023 as Coordinator of Economic and Social Studies for Quality Infrastructure.

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Queremos informarte que el viernes 28 de junio, a partir de las 6:00 p.m. y hasta las 6:00 a.m. del sábado 29 de junio, se realizará una ventana de mantenimiento a servidores y UPS con el objetivo de evitar cualquier riesgo o falla en el futuro. Este procedimiento afectará los siguientes servicios:  SIPSO, Tu Portal, telefonía IP, FTP Competencias Técnicas, FTP Profesionales Técnicos.