Official Directory of DOA Accredited Bodies

Search by Accreditation Scheme

Below, you will find different filters to perform your query. Start by selecting the Accreditation Scheme. To perform the search, the system will filter by default all the organizations that are accredited in the chosen scheme, then you can use the filter to further narrow your results.

  • LCL Medical or Clinical Laboratories
  • LAB Testing Laboratories
  • LAC Calibration Laboratories
  • PEA Proficiency Testing Providers
  • OCP Personnel Certification Bodies
  • CSG Management Systems Certification Bodies
  • CPR Product Certification Bodies
  • ECD Digital Certification Entities
  • OVM Authorized Metrological Verification Bodies
  • OIN Inspection Bodies
  • OVV GEI Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification Bodies
  • CRC Driver Recognition Center
  • CDA Automotive Diagnostic Center


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Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

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Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

CEA-3.0-04 V4

El documento ha sido actualizado con importantes cambios en los requisitos de participación en Evaluaciones de Aptitud y Comparaciones Interlaboratorios de Desempeño. Conoce el documento actualizado para más detalles.