Preguntas frecuentes

What evaluation activities in which the evaluator and technical expert participate are carried out in SIPSO?

What evaluation activities in which the evaluator and technical expert participate are carried out in SIPSO?

ANSWER: Currently and according to the phases of development, from the role of technical professional, the review of documents “Stage 1 of the evaluation” can be carried out for the processes of extension of scope and awarding of accreditation.

The processes of extraordinary evaluations, follow-up, and re-evaluations will continue to be managed as usual.

In the case of Extension + Regular Ev. evaluations (Follow-up or Re-evaluation), the attached table identifies the information that the technical professional must download through SIPSO (extension) and the information that the designated person in the corresponding sectoral coordination (follow-up or re-evaluation) must make available in a timely manner in the FTP for this stage of the evaluation:

SIPSO CAB Information
Scope of accreditation requested
Resources – people involved in conformity assessment activities
Resources – equipment used in conformity assessment activities
Records – outcome of conformity assessment activities
List of subcontracted activities
Organizational structure
Impartiality and independence
Management system
Information required by ONAC (Policy information / other accreditations – if applicable)
FTP Reports of previous evaluations included in the current accreditation cycle.
Press releases
Accreditation committee decisions
CAB change reports
Complaints and other pertinent and available information
Documentation corresponding to Annex 2 of the Notification of the respective Follow-up/Re-evaluation, sent by the CAB, including payment support and confirmation from the CCF (receivables and invoices).


Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

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