Preguntas frecuentes

What types of evaluations can be managed through SIPSO?

What types of evaluations can be managed through SIPSO?

Answer: We are currently in phase 1 of the system development. In this module, you can manage applications for initial accreditation (awarding) and scope extension for the schemes of Testing Laboratories, Calibration Laboratories, Clinical Laboratories, Management Systems Certification Bodies, Product Certification Bodies, Inspection Bodies, Inspection Bodies, Certification Bodies for Persons, Automotive Diagnostic Centers, Driver Recognition Centers, Digital Certification Entities and Proficiency Testing Providers.

Applications for schemes not covered in this phase shall be processed by filling out and submitting the accreditation form and the required annexes available in the technical file of each of the accreditation schemes at or at ONAC’s facilities.

Extraordinary, follow-up and re-evaluation evaluations are not covered in this system and will continue to be handled as usual.

Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

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