
ONAC Accreditation Services

Accreditation Schemes

The accreditation schemes provided by ONAC support the declaration it makes, as an accreditation body, regarding the competence of the Conformity Assessment Bodies to perform their activity in accordance with international assessment standards in globally recognized fields, and most of the time, with scopes referring to national regulations.

In this sense, ONAC provides accreditation services in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17011 standard “Conformity Assessment General requirements for accreditation bodies performing accreditation of conformity assessment bodies”. The services include the policies, criteria and guidelines established by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC).

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GLP OECD Recognition Services

GLP OECD Recognition Services

If you are a laboratory that performs non-clinical safety studies related to health and environment in order to submit them to a Regulatory Authority to obtain the registration or authorization for the commercialization of a new molecule or product in a country, this information is for you.

Research and Development

Research and Development

The area of Research and Development of ONAC seeks to provide the market with tools that add value to the activities of conformity assessment through the development of new services. It seeks constant change in environmental, socio-economic and social environments and market requirements, resulting in confidence in quality and improving the competence of the Conformity Assessment Bodies. In turn, this contributes substantially to the development, competitiveness, and economic recovery of Colombia, which is crucial in this time we are living in.

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