The accreditation scheme for Automotive Diagnostic Centers evaluates the competence of the inspection bodies that perform the Technical Mechanical Inspection and Pollutant Emission Testing of motor vehicles.
Industrial Engineer from Universidad Antonio Nariño. Specialist in Administration and Management of Quality Systems from Universidad Santo Tomás.
Experience in quality management systems and management of accreditation processes of conformity assessment bodies. Knowledge in ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17065 and ISO/IEC 17067 standards.
Linked to ONAC since 2022 as CDA Sectoral Coordinator.
Industrial Engineer, Libre University
Master’s Degree in Management
Training in ISO/IEC 17020:2012 internal auditing and ISO 9001:2015 internal auditing
Diploma courses completed:
Linked to ONAC since 2021 as CDA Sectoral Coordinator
Accreditation, in addition to being a condition for operating as a traffic support agency, is a means for Automotive Diagnostic Centers to demonstrate their competence through compliance with the requirements of impartiality, facilities, personnel, equipment, methods and procedures described in the Colombian Technical Standards adopted by the Ministry of Transportation.
The inspection performed by an accredited CDA is an element that strengthens the management of road safety and air quality policies. A reliable, competent and impartial review allows to determine that motor vehicles transiting through the national territory are in optimal mechanical and safety conditions. This contributes to the reduction of road accidents and the reduction of pollutant emissions generated by mobile sources.
Applies to Automotive Diagnostic Centers that have implemented the ISO/IEC 17020 standard, as Inspection Body type A. Its purpose is to provide the service of Technical Mechanical Inspection and Pollutant Emissions for different types of vehicles such as motorcycles, mopeds, motorcycles, motorcycles, tricycles, quadricycles, motorcycles, ATVs, light, heavy rigid, articulated and bi-articulated vehicles circulating in the national territory.
Each Automotive Diagnostic Center voluntarily requests the types of vehicles to be inspected according to its resources, capabilities and commercial interests. According to such request, it shall apply the requirements defined in the Colombian Technical Standards NTC 5375, NTC 6218 and NTC 6282 for the Technical Mechanical Inspection and Pollutant Emissions.
Principle of transparency and the right of access to information
Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:
El código de acreditación contiene la siguiente estructura:
AA = Año solicitud
NNN = Abreviatura del esquema
### = Consecutivo asignado
Documentos adicionales o complementarios de la norma de acreditación, para algunos alcances específicos, que el solicitante debe cumplir y son objeto de evaluación por parte de ONAC para determinar su competencia como Organismo Evaluador de la conformidad.
Conoce las reglas y los requisitos para acreditarte como Productor de Materiales de Referencia:
Requisitos que debe cumplir el solicitante que desea acreditarse de acuerdo con el esquema de evaluación de la conformidad y que son objeto de evaluación para determinar la competencia del organismo. ejemplo ISO 17034 requisitos para Productores de materiales de referencia.
Los documentos ILAC suministran información que puede apoyar la implementación de los requisitos establecidos en la norma ISO 17034. Los documentos R (Reglas) y P (Políticas) de ILAC contienen requisitos mandatorios para los OEC que buscan la acreditación con ONAC. Los documentos G (guías) son de carácter informativo, aunque una vez son acogidas por los OEC, se tornan obligatorias.
Aplican para todos los esquemas de acreditación y definen condiciones desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el mantenimiento y renovación de la acreditación, forman parte de la relación contractual con ONAC.