Certification Bodies of Persons.
Normative Reference
ISO/IEC 17024
Accredited Organizations
Certification Bodies of Persons

Accreditation of Personnel Certification Bodies.

The accreditation of Personnel Certification Bodies under ISO/IEC 17024 is an instrument that provides confidence to the market, authorities or employers about the competence of persons to perform specific activities. It ensures that the person certified by an accredited body meets the requirements of the certification scheme, through which a process of evaluation and periodic reassessment of the competence being certified is carried out. If you would like to have the seal of confidence of ONAC accreditation, to provide this certification service, go to section Accredit yourself with ONAC on this same page.

On the other hand, if you are looking for an organization that performs certification activities for different activities or economic sectors with the highest quality standards and with the support of the ONAC accreditation, at the top of this section or in our Official Directory of Accredited Bodies (DOA) you can consult the list of accredited certification bodies of persons.

Olga Alicia
Puentes Valero

Chemical Engineer from America University
Master in Quality and Integral Management – Santo Tomas University – ICONTEC

Linked to ONAC since January 2009, holding the following positions and roles:

  • ISO/IEC 17024 Lead Assessor
  • ISO/IEC 17011 Peer Reviewer
  • Accreditation Services Coordinator – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator of Certifying Bodies of Persons and CRC – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator for Certification Bodies (Management Systems, Product / Processes / Services, Persons, and Greenhouse Gas Verification / Validation Bodies).
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The certification of persons makes it possible to confirm, through examinations, whether a person is competent to carry out certain activities, in accordance with the certification scheme. The service offered by accredited certifying bodies promotes social mobility since it focuses the competence of people in the labor market, in the occupation and not necessarily in the training. To this end, the development of certification schemes is carried out based on standards that can be globally accepted, generating greater competitiveness in the labor market.


The certification of persons is applicable to any category of people, so they get certified in a wide variety of activities. These activities include installers and maintainers of industrial, electrical or gas installations, operators of lifting equipment, polygraph examiners, forensic anthropology experts or forensic clinics, trainers of safe work at heights, workers operating at heights, motor vehicle inspectors, operators to supply compressed natural gas for vehicles at service stations, LPG system inspectors, real estate consultants, security guards, information and customer service managers, among others.

This does not limit the scope of the certifying bodies to the aforementioned occupations. ONAC continuously seeks to broaden the portfolio of services and can cover other needs by strengthening the development of people’s competence.

International Recognition Agreements for OCPs

Organismos Acreditados en Certificación de Personas

Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

Antes de Acreditarse

Es importante que antes de aplicar al proceso de acreditación, el solicitante conozca los requisitos y documentos que debe tener en cuenta en cada una de las etapas.

Criterios de Evaluación

Documentos adicionales o complementarios de la norma de acreditación, para algunos alcances específicos, que el solicitante debe cumplir y son objeto de evaluación por parte de ONAC para determinar su competencia como Organismo Evaluador de la conformidad.

Conoce las reglas y los requisitos para acreditarte como Productor de Materiales de Referencia:

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Criterios de Acreditación

Requisitos que debe cumplir el solicitante que desea acreditarse de acuerdo con el esquema de evaluación de la conformidad y que son objeto de evaluación para determinar la competencia del organismo. ejemplo ISO 17034 requisitos para Productores de materiales de referencia.

  • ISO 17034 “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los Productores de Materiales de Referencia”

Documentos Relacionados

  • ISO/IEC 17025 «Evaluación de la conformidad. Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y de calibración»
  • ISO Guide 30:2015 «Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions»
  • ISO 33401:2024 «Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation»
  • ISO 33405:2024 «Reference materials — Approaches for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability»
  • ISO 33406:2024 «Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties»

Documentos ILAC

Los documentos ILAC suministran información que puede apoyar la implementación de los requisitos establecidos en la norma ISO 17034. Los documentos R (Reglas) y P (Políticas) de ILAC contienen requisitos mandatorios para los OEC que buscan la acreditación con ONAC. Los documentos G (guías) son de carácter informativo, aunque una vez son acogidas por los OEC, se tornan obligatorias.

  • ILAC P8 ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (Arrangement): Supplementary Requirements for the Use of Accreditation Symbols and for Claims of Accreditation Status by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies
  • ILAC P9 ILAC Policy for Proficiency Testing and/or Interlaboratory comparisons other than Proficiency Testing
  • ILAC P10 ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results
  • ILAC G24 Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment
  • ILAC R7 Rules for the Use of the ILAC MRA Mark

Instructivos y Procedimientos

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Documentos Generales

Aplican para todos los esquemas de acreditación y definen condiciones desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el mantenimiento y renovación de la acreditación, forman parte de la relación contractual con ONAC.

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