Normative Reference
ISO/IEC 17025
Accredited Organizations
Testing Laboratories

Testing Laboratory Accreditation.

If you are a laboratory that provides services in sectors such as tires, rubber, fabrics, plastics, toys, environment (water, air, soil), electrical, household appliances, gas appliances, food and beverages, forensics, etc., please contact us. Elements of personal protection, construction, minerals and among others, you have implemented a management system and want to have the seal of confidence that gives the ONAC accreditation, this service is for you.

If instead you are looking for a laboratory that performs various types of analysis with the highest quality standards and with the support of ONAC accreditation, at the top of this section or in our Official Directory of Accredited Organizations, you can consult the list of accredited testing laboratories for the service you require.

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In the laboratory accreditation scheme, we evaluate the competence of any company, entity, or institution that wants to perform testing activities on any type of sample to support the activity of various economic sectors and built trust in the goods and services that are produced nationally.

To achieve this objective, ONAC uses evaluation criteria established in the international standard ISO/IEC 17025. The standard’s objective is to guarantee that the entities have the infrastructure, organizational structure, and competent personnel, among other requirements, to perform quality tests. These tests deliver accurate and reliable results that, thanks to the multilateral recognition agreements of which ONAC is part, can be accepted not only in Colombia but also in the more than 100 economies that are part of the ILAC agreements.


In ONAC we have been concerned in recent years to offer coverage to the greatest number of possible needs in the market. Currently, we have the technical capacity to attend evaluations in several types of tests, such as: biological, microbiological, physicochemical, physical, functional, thermodynamic, electrical, mechanical, sensory, forensic, petrographic, genetic, ballistic, toxicological, graphological, anti-doping, sampling, on several samples and test items.

We are constantly reviewing new needs and seeking to expand our services to strengthen the country’s quality infrastructure and competitiveness.

International Recognition Agreements for LAB

  • Testing Laboratories – ISO/IEC 17025
  • Testing Laboratories – ISO/IEC 17025

Sub scope - Newly developed services for LAB

From ONAC, we contribute to the strengthening of quality and the economic reactivation of the country through the development of new accreditation services in testing laboratories.

LAB > Accreditation for testing laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025) performing anti-doping tests according to WADA

At world level, there are different international organizations that develop standards in very specific sectors, under consensus among several countries in order to harmonize the guidelines of these standards to ensure their adequate implementation.

ONAC, as part of its commitment to meet the needs imposed by the market, is constantly seeking to incorporate new schemes and services that are in tune with these needs. Such is the case of WADA, as presented below:

WADA – World Anti-Doping Agency

WADA – is the World Anti-Doping Agency whose main mission is to promote doping-free sport globally.

WADA has existed since 1999 and is funded by various world governments and sports movements. In addition, WADA conducts scientific research, education, anti-doping capacity building and monitoring of the Anti-Doping Code, which integrates the International Standard for Laboratories and harmonizes other anti-doping policies applicable to all sports worldwide.

Currently at the international level, there are 30 laboratories accredited and approved by WADA to perform doping control tests under the requirements of the International Standard for Laboratories – ISL of WADA. At the level of the Americas, there are currently five, among which are countries such as Brazil, Canada, Cuba and the United States,

In order for an accredited body to offer the service, it must receive training from the Agency, which ONAC has received in 2016 when the sub-scope of accreditation was launched and in 2019 for training on the new version of the ISL. Additionally, it must meet the following requirements:

  • MRA international recognition agreement for the ISO/IEC 17025 testing laboratory accreditation scheme with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation – ILAC.
  • Comply with the requirements of the International Standard for Laboratories – ISL

Since 2016, ONAC is committed to offer this accreditation service to the market, which focuses particularly on the identification and determination of banned substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency in athletes participating in sports competitions at national, regional and global level.

In 2020, the WADA Board and Committee at the Agency’s World Conference in Katowice, Poland, published the new version of the International Standard for Laboratories – ISL version 11. The meeting also defined the deadline for compliance with the new version, this being January 1, 2021. Taking into account the above, ONAC is updating this sub-scope so that interested parties can apply for accreditation under this new version.

The interested testing laboratory must meet the following requirements:

  • ISO/IEC 17025 (recent version)
  • Mandatory ILAC testing laboratory scheme documents
  • International Standard for Laboratories – ISL recent version
  • Mandatory technical documents of the world agency WADA

Laboratory accreditation is the first requirement for a laboratory to apply for WADA recognition.

For more information, please visit:

Laboratorios de Ensayo Acreditados

Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

Antes de Acreditarse

Es importante que antes de aplicar al proceso de acreditación, el solicitante conozca los requisitos y documentos que debe tener en cuenta en cada una de las etapas.

Criterios de Evaluación

Documentos adicionales o complementarios de la norma de acreditación, para algunos alcances específicos, que el solicitante debe cumplir y son objeto de evaluación por parte de ONAC para determinar su competencia como Organismo Evaluador de la conformidad.

Conoce las reglas y los requisitos para acreditarte como Productor de Materiales de Referencia:

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Criterios de Acreditación

Requisitos que debe cumplir el solicitante que desea acreditarse de acuerdo con el esquema de evaluación de la conformidad y que son objeto de evaluación para determinar la competencia del organismo. ejemplo ISO 17034 requisitos para Productores de materiales de referencia.

  • ISO 17034 “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los Productores de Materiales de Referencia”

Documentos Relacionados

  • ISO/IEC 17025 «Evaluación de la conformidad. Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y de calibración»
  • ISO Guide 30:2015 «Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions»
  • ISO 33401:2024 «Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation»
  • ISO 33405:2024 «Reference materials — Approaches for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability»
  • ISO 33406:2024 «Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties»

Documentos ILAC

Los documentos ILAC suministran información que puede apoyar la implementación de los requisitos establecidos en la norma ISO 17034. Los documentos R (Reglas) y P (Políticas) de ILAC contienen requisitos mandatorios para los OEC que buscan la acreditación con ONAC. Los documentos G (guías) son de carácter informativo, aunque una vez son acogidas por los OEC, se tornan obligatorias.

  • ILAC P8 ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (Arrangement): Supplementary Requirements for the Use of Accreditation Symbols and for Claims of Accreditation Status by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies
  • ILAC P9 ILAC Policy for Proficiency Testing and/or Interlaboratory comparisons other than Proficiency Testing
  • ILAC P10 ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results
  • ILAC G24 Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment
  • ILAC R7 Rules for the Use of the ILAC MRA Mark

Instructivos y Procedimientos

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Documentos Generales

Aplican para todos los esquemas de acreditación y definen condiciones desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el mantenimiento y renovación de la acreditación, forman parte de la relación contractual con ONAC.

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