Normative Reference
ISO/IEC 17021-1
Accredited Organizations
Management Systems Certification Bodies

Management Systems Certification Bodies.

Accreditation for Management Systems Certification Bodies (CSG), under ISO/IEC 17021-1, allows them to provide confidence in their technical competence, consistent operation and impartiality, to carry out the audit of the certification requirements set out in different management system standards. If you would like to have the seal of confidence of ONAC accreditation, to provide this certification service, go to the section Accredit yourself with ONAC on this same page.

If you are looking for a management systems certification body to certify any activity or process in your company or organization with the highest quality standards and with the support of ONAC accreditation, at the top of this section or in our Official Directory of Accredited Bodies (DOA) you can consult the list of accredited management systems certification bodies.

Olga Alicia
Puentes Valero

Chemical Engineer from America University
Master in Quality and Integral Management – Santo Tomas University – ICONTEC

Linked to ONAC since January 2009, holding the following positions and roles:

  • ISO/IEC 17024 Lead Assessor
  • ISO/IEC 17011 Peer Reviewer
  • Accreditation Services Coordinator – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator of Certifying Bodies of Persons and CRC – ONAC
  • Sectoral Coordinator for Certification Bodies (Management Systems, Product / Processes / Services, Persons, and Greenhouse Gas Verification / Validation Bodies).
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The certification carried out by an accredited body in management systems is an instrument of competitiveness that strengthens companies. It generates confidence among customers, consumers, shareholders and competent authorities, according to the implementation of different management systems to optimize their activities.

The standard under which this scheme is accredited is ISO/IEC 17021-1, the application for accreditation being entirely voluntary, in line with the interests and services provided by the body seeking accreditation, demonstrating performance of its own management system in accordance with the established requirements.


This activity provides advantages to certified companies in different industries, since it contributes to the focus of continuous improvement, compliance with international quality standards and market recognition to obtain commercial advantages.

The certification performed by an accredited CSG is an instrument that strengthens companies. It generates confidence among customers, consumers, shareholders and competent authorities, according to the implementation of different management systems that allow them to optimize their activities, thanks to the requirements established in different management systems.

International Recognition Agreements for CSG


  • Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification – Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1
    * Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-3
    * Level 5: ISO 9001(QMS)
    * Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-2
    * Level 5: ISO 14001 (EMS) 
  • Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1 Sub-scopes:
    Level 4: ISO/TS 22003
    Level 5: ISO 22000)
  • Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) – Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1 Sub-Scope:
    Level 4: ISO/IEC 27006
    Level 5: ISO/IEC 27001
  • Medical Device Management Systems (MDMS) -Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1 Sub-Scope:
    * Level 5: ISO 13485
  • Energy Management Systems (EnMS) – Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1;
  • Sub-scopes:
    * Level 4: ISO 50003
    * Level 5: ISO 50001 
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (OSHMS) – Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1 Sub-scopes:
    Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-10
    Level 5: ISO 45001
  • Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) – Main Scope: ISO/IEC 17021-1 Sub-Scope:
    Level 4: ISO/IEC 17021-9
    Level 5: ISO 37001

Sub-scopes - Newly developed services for CSG

From ONAC we contribute to the strengthening of quality and the economic reactivation of the country, through the development of new accreditation services in Management Systems Certification Bodies.

MS > of Occupational Safety and Health, ISO 45001

The OHSAS 18001 standard has been migrated to ISO 45001, which reinforces the global initiative on the concern of accidents in the workplace and meets the need of organizations to generate greater reliability in the certifications in this standard Occupational Health and Safety Management System.


MS > Anti-bribery, ISO 37001

Bribery is one of the world’s most destructive and challenging problems, the consequences of which are reduced quality of life, increased poverty and damaged public trust. Based on this, ISO developed the ISO 37001 standard to help organizations combat bribery and promote an ethical business culture. ONAC aims at providing our clients with accreditation services in standards with international relevance, giving them an added value.


MS > of Food Safety, FSSC 22000

Food safety is a growing concern and impacts both consumers and businesses around the world. While much of the global food supply is safe, there are high-impact cases that reaffirm the potential danger of foodborne threats to consumers. That is why there are standards such as FSSC 22000 which aim to minimize risks and implement high quality standards in food production.

FSSC 22000 | Food safety

MS > for Private Security Operations, ISO 18788

In a world globalized not only by business, but also by the diversity and nature of threats, the creation, dissemination and implementation of an international standard developed by widely recognized and qualified entities represents a promising tool for sustainable and systematized continuous improvement. That is why ISO 18788 Management System for Private Security Operations was created to support security companies to provide confidence in the performance of their operations, with a commitment to respect human rights and their stakeholders.

ISO 18788 Brochure

MS > of Assets, ISO 55001

Asset management in organizations has taken great relevance due to the demands of demonstrating an efficient and effective management of its tangible and intangible resources, which is evidenced in the optimization of financial resources of the organization, by its internal and external environments (stakeholders, government, among others)

Considering the benefits of this activity, ONAC has integrated to its portfolio of services the Accreditation of Management Systems Certification Bodies, under the ISO 55001 “Asset Management System standard”

If you are a certification body interested in obtaining this accreditation, keep in mind that some of the technical requirements to meet are:

  • ISO/IEC 17021-1″Requirements for bodies providing auditing and certification of management systems
  • ISO 55001″Asset Management System”
  • ISO/IEC 17021-5″Competency requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of Asset Management Systems”
  • Applicable mandatory IAF International Accreditation Forum Documents
ISO 55001 Brochure

MS > Energy, ISO 50001

From the certification of this management system, organizations develop and implement an energy policy, as well as the management of their activities, products or services that interact with the use of energy. ISO 50001 establishes the requirements for a management system that aims to provide continuous and systematic improvements to the energy performance of organizations, contributing to the efficient and sustainable use of energy.

50001 Brochure

MS > of Road Safety ISO 39001

Road safety is an issue of great importance at national and international level, which is why training and raising awareness of road safety issues is of utmost importance. As a result of the above, the ISO 39001 “Road Safety Management System” standard was born, which aims to improve the driving practices of an organization’s employees, achieve an increase in the safety of mobility and minimize the risk of traffic accidents and, consequently, the rate of injuries and fatalities.

If you are a certification body interested in obtaining this accreditation, keep in mind that some of the technical requirements to meet are:

  • ISO/IEC 17021-1″Requirements for bodies providing auditing and certification of management systems
  • ISO 39001″Road Safety Management System”
  • ISO/IEC 17021-7″Competency requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of Road Safety Management Systems”
  • Applicable mandatory IAF International Accreditation Forum Documents
ISO 39001 Brochure

Other Sub-Scopes

Quality Management System

ISO 9001
NTC 5555
NTC 6001

Environmental Management System

ISO 14001

Occupational Safety and Health Management System

ISO 45001

Food Safety Management System

ISO 22000 – ISO 22000

Supply chain security management system

ISO 28001

Organismos Acreditados en Certificación de Sistemas de Gestión

Confirm accreditation status

Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:

Antes de Acreditarse

Es importante que antes de aplicar al proceso de acreditación, el solicitante conozca los requisitos y documentos que debe tener en cuenta en cada una de las etapas.

Criterios de Evaluación

Documentos adicionales o complementarios de la norma de acreditación, para algunos alcances específicos, que el solicitante debe cumplir y son objeto de evaluación por parte de ONAC para determinar su competencia como Organismo Evaluador de la conformidad.

Conoce las reglas y los requisitos para acreditarte como Productor de Materiales de Referencia:

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Criterios de Acreditación

Requisitos que debe cumplir el solicitante que desea acreditarse de acuerdo con el esquema de evaluación de la conformidad y que son objeto de evaluación para determinar la competencia del organismo. ejemplo ISO 17034 requisitos para Productores de materiales de referencia.

  • ISO 17034 “Requisitos generales para la competencia de los Productores de Materiales de Referencia”

Documentos Relacionados

  • ISO/IEC 17025 «Evaluación de la conformidad. Requisitos generales para la competencia de los laboratorios de ensayo y de calibración»
  • ISO Guide 30:2015 «Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions»
  • ISO 33401:2024 «Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation»
  • ISO 33405:2024 «Reference materials — Approaches for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability»
  • ISO 33406:2024 «Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties»

Documentos ILAC

Los documentos ILAC suministran información que puede apoyar la implementación de los requisitos establecidos en la norma ISO 17034. Los documentos R (Reglas) y P (Políticas) de ILAC contienen requisitos mandatorios para los OEC que buscan la acreditación con ONAC. Los documentos G (guías) son de carácter informativo, aunque una vez son acogidas por los OEC, se tornan obligatorias.

  • ILAC P8 ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (Arrangement): Supplementary Requirements for the Use of Accreditation Symbols and for Claims of Accreditation Status by Accredited Conformity Assessment Bodies
  • ILAC P9 ILAC Policy for Proficiency Testing and/or Interlaboratory comparisons other than Proficiency Testing
  • ILAC P10 ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results
  • ILAC G24 Guidelines for the determination of recalibration intervals of measuring equipment
  • ILAC R7 Rules for the Use of the ILAC MRA Mark

Instructivos y Procedimientos

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Documentos Generales

Aplican para todos los esquemas de acreditación y definen condiciones desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el mantenimiento y renovación de la acreditación, forman parte de la relación contractual con ONAC.

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