Proficiency testing is a quality assurance tool that allows laboratories to compare their performance with others, detect trends and, therefore, take any preventive or corrective action necessary to ensure their technical competence and continuous improvement. In this sense, the criteria defined by ONAC for the participation of laboratories in proficiency testing (CEA-3.0-04) are intended to use the performance results obtained by the laboratories to evaluate the technical competence in the application of specific testing or calibration methods, when they exist and are appropriate.
Electronic Engineer from Central University. Specialist in Informatics and Industrial Automation from Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University.
Expert in industrial metrology, technical assistance in metrology, estimation of measurement uncertainty, requirements and competences for calibration laboratories and proficiency testing providers.
Linked to ONAC since October 2020 in the position of Sectoral Coordinator of Calibration Laboratories.
Industrial Engineering from the National Open and Distance University.
Project Management Specialist from El Bosque University.
Technological Specialist in Management of Testing and Calibration Laboratories – ISO/IEC 17025 Standard.
Expert in Industrial Metrology, metrological management, technical advice on aspects of
metrological interest, requirements and competence for calibration laboratories.
Linked to ONAC since 2024, in the position of Sector Coordinator of calibration laboratories.
The ISO/IEC 17043 accreditation evaluates the fulfillment of the competence and quality requirements of the Proficiency Testing Providers for the development and operation of the programs they offer in this field.
This accreditation scheme covers proficiency testing services provided by accredited suppliers to testing laboratories, calibration laboratories, clinical laboratories and other types of bodies.
In the framework of the “International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement” (ILAC MRA), CEA-3.0-04 complies with the ILAC P9:06/2014 “ILAC Policy for Participation in Proficiency Testing Activities”, and is a fundamental part of securing and maintaining ONAC signatory status.
In order to eliminate the risk of lack of objectivity and impartiality in the Proficiency Testing Provider (PEA) accreditation service, ONAC does not offer proficiency testing programs.
However, in order to support laboratories in their search for applicable and appropriate proficiency testing programs, the following information is available:
According to Article Proficiency testing services / interlaboratory comparison of the Single Regulatory Decree of the Industry, Commerce and Tourism Sector – DURCIT (Decree No. 1595 of 2015) issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, are providers of proficiency testing services / interlaboratory comparison:
There are several sources of information that allow to consult the existence of proficiency testing programs, such as:
Web page:
Accreditation Directory:
The following is a list of ABs that have accredited PEAs, which may vary in its content, so it is purely informative, and ONAC is not responsible for its update:
Additional information on Accreditation Bodies can be found on the websites of international cooperation bodies such as IAAC, ILAC and IAF, among others.
Principle of transparency and the right of access to information
Verify the status of an accreditation by typing the accreditation code below:
El código de acreditación contiene la siguiente estructura:
AA = Año solicitud
NNN = Abreviatura del esquema
### = Consecutivo asignado
Documentos adicionales o complementarios de la norma de acreditación, para algunos alcances específicos, que el solicitante debe cumplir y son objeto de evaluación por parte de ONAC para determinar su competencia como Organismo Evaluador de la conformidad.
Conoce las reglas y los requisitos para acreditarte como Productor de Materiales de Referencia:
Requisitos que debe cumplir el solicitante que desea acreditarse de acuerdo con el esquema de evaluación de la conformidad y que son objeto de evaluación para determinar la competencia del organismo. ejemplo ISO 17034 requisitos para Productores de materiales de referencia.
Los documentos ILAC suministran información que puede apoyar la implementación de los requisitos establecidos en la norma ISO 17034. Los documentos R (Reglas) y P (Políticas) de ILAC contienen requisitos mandatorios para los OEC que buscan la acreditación con ONAC. Los documentos G (guías) son de carácter informativo, aunque una vez son acogidas por los OEC, se tornan obligatorias.
Aplican para todos los esquemas de acreditación y definen condiciones desde la presentación de la solicitud hasta el mantenimiento y renovación de la acreditación, forman parte de la relación contractual con ONAC.